The 22nd International Wine Makers’ and Vintners’ Festival – Sabatina 2012 organized by the Cooperative Association of Dalmatia in Bol, on the island of Brac was held from 15-17 November 2012. This event traditionally takes place in November as an ending ceremony of harvest season. This prestigious event was held under the sponsorship of the President of Republic of Croatia PhD Ivo Josipovic, as well as of the Ministries of Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Economy and Tourism and the Croatian Agency of Economy and Investments, Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Croatian Chamber of Commerce. The Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Porec was a co-organizer of the event, on behalf of which PhD Marijan Bubola, PhD Giordano Persuric, Engineers of Agriculture Danijela Petrušić, Zoran Užila and Tomislav Plavša participated. There were numerous presentations of latest achievements in winemaking industry. Awards were traditionally given to best wineries and best wines were awarded in several categories. Jokic Winery is proud to announce that its Chardonnay was awarded the Best white organic wine.

Sabatina 2012 - The Best Opened White Wine